commercial insurance
facility users
Special Risk Insurance Managers has a program to cover the activities and events of the users of facilities that are privately owned or publicly owned and/or operated by municipalities, public agencies, colleges, universities, schools, hotel and convention complexes and any other public or private organization.
This program provides any individual and/or group with liability protection. The facility owner is protected from liability claims arising from the activities of the users.
An Open master General Liability Policy
- The program covers activities & events of all types at buildings and all indoor & outdoor facilities privately owned and/or operated by municipalities, public agencies or commissions, colleges, universities, hotel complexes, and any other public or private organizations at:
- Arenas
- Associations
- Auditoriums
- Casinos
- Cities & Counties
- Civic Centers
- Coliseums
- Convention Centers
- Churches & Dioceses
- Exhibition Centers
- Fairgrounds
- Festivals Trade
- Halls & Malls
- Hotel Complexes
- Music & Cultural Centers
- Park & Recreation Areas
- Performing Arts Centers
- Racetracks
- Schools & Universities
- Shopping Centers
- Sport Complexes
- Stadiums
- Theatres
- Trade Shows & Promoters
- An Open “Master” Policy is Issued to: The Tenants and/or Lessees of the Facilities, owned and or operated by “name of the facility” c/o “name of the facility”.
- Coverage applies only when the Facilities are Rented to and Being Used by the Tenants/Users/Lessees for Short-Term Special Events and are specifically declared to the Open Policy.
- Tenants/Users/Lessees of the Facility are Added as “Named Insureds.” The Facility Owner/Operator is automatically an “Additional Insured” at no charge.
- Monthly Reporting/Declarations of Events are made by the Facility at Predetermined and Scheduled Rates; Subject to Voluntary Audits. Full Annual or Term Audits may be made by the Company.
- Premiums are collected from the Users by the Facility and are Reported and Paid on Monthly or Quarterly Bordereaux by the 15th of the following month.
- All Rates are based upon Limits of Liability:
- $2,000,000.00 Per Occurrence/Aggregate (Higher Limits are Available)
- The General Aggregate Limit of Liability will apply separately to each contracted total period of continuous use (the special event) by the tenant of the rented facility.
- Coverages Excluded, but may be submitted for special underwriting consideration & special acceptance:
- Liquor Legal Liability
- Pyrotechnics Liability
- Performer Liability
- Standard Program Exclusions Per Forms & Endorsements
- Product Liability on all Vendors, Concessionaires, and Exhibitors of “non-food” sales & demonstrations
- Classes of Events Excluded, but may be submitted for special underwriting consideration & special acceptance
- Truck & Tractor Pull
- Motorized Sports
- Aircraft & Balloons
- Rodeos & Roping Events
- Boxing, Wrestling, Hockey & Contact Karate
- Hang Gliding, Sky Diving & Para-Sailing
- Waterslides, Public Pools & Lakes
- Excluded Classes:
- Amusement Parks
- Carnivals
- Cruises
- Mechanical Amusement Devices