Sports & Entertainment
Sports Insurance
Who is insured?
The Association; Leagues; Clubs; Affiliated Teams
Who is covered?
Directors, officers, coaches, managers, officials, referees, players, managers, volunteers and employees.
Additional Insureds:
Your Provincial Association
(Name of District, Club or Team), its affiliated leagues, clubs, teams, their officers, directors, coaches, managers, officials, players, auxiliary workers, employees and volunteers.
Comprehensive General Liability Insurance up to $5,000,000.00 including:
- Sponsors, Government Departments,
- Municipalities, etc as additional insureds
- Full participant coverage
- Non-owned automobile liability
- Products & completed operations
- Cross liability clause
- Broad form property damage
- Occurrence property damage,
- Personal injury (libel, slander, defamation)
- Medical payments ($1,000.00 per person/$10,000.00 per accident)
- Broad form tenants legal liability ($250,000.00 sub-limit) for all named & unnamed locations
- Worldwide protection
- Host Liquor Liability ($5,000,000.00 for annual awards ceremonies & wind up banquets)
- $1,000.00 property damage and bodily injury reimbursement clauses
* Host Liquor Liability is available for other social events ie. Beer Gardens on a submission basis.
Directors & Officers, Errors & Omissions/Wrongful Acts up to ($5,000,000.00)
D&O protects the insured organization and/or its member groups and their directors and officials for legal liability arising from an alleged or wrongful act in the performance of their duties as such. There is a $1,000.00 deductible applicable to this coverage.
Activites Covered?
Consists of practices, games, tournaments, related training activities and related approved travel.
This coverage will pay on behalf of the named insured and the additional insureds where applicable, all sums which the insureds shall become legally obligated to pay as compensatory damages for actual bodily injury to participants, spectators, and other members of the public and also for property damage, the insurer(s) shall become legally obligated to pay.
Additional insured to include: sponsors, government agencies, municipalities, officers, directors, coaches, managers, officials, players, volunteers, auxiliary workers, employees and your national and provincial association.
(Name of District, Club, Team) et al (same as liability definition)
The plan covers all participants, players, coaches, managers, executives, auxiliary workers, volunteers, field officials and employees during games, practice and team/club travel.
For each accident the plan would cover the following:
1. Principal Sum Benefits/Benefit in the event of death:
Up to $25,000.00
2. Permanent Total Disability
Up to $50,000.00
(in the event of loss of use of hands, arms or legs, quadriplegia, paraplegia or hemiplegia; loss of speech and/or hearing; and dismemberment.Benefits as scheduled).
Benefit Schedule
When injury results in any of the following losses within three hundred and sixty five (365) days after the date of the accident, the Insurer will pay:
For loss of:
Life | The Principle Sum |
The Entire Sight of Both Eyes | Two Times the Principle Sum |
Speech and Hearing in Both Ears | Two Times the Principle Sum |
One Hand and the Entire Sight of One Eye | Two Times the Principle Sum |
One Foot and the Entire Sight of One Eye | Two Times the Principle Sum |
The Entire Sight of One Eye | One and One-Third Times the Principle Sum |
Speech | One and One-Third Times the Principle Sum |
Hearing in Both Ears | One and One-Third Times the Principle Sum |
Hearing in One Ear | Two-Thirds of the Principle Sum |
All Toes of One Foot | One-Half of the Principle Sum |
For Loss or Loss of Use of:
Both Hands | Two Times the Principle Sum |
Both Feet | Two Times the Principle Sum |
One Hand and One Foot | Two Times the Principle Sum |
One Arm | One and One-Half Times the Principle Sum |
One Leg | One and One-Half Times the Principle Sum |
One Hand | One and One-Third Times the Principle Sum |
One Foot | One and One-Third Times the Principle Sum |
Thumb and Index Finger or at Least Four Fingers of One Hand | Two Times the Principle Sum |
For Total Paralysis of:
Both Upper and Lower Limbs (Quadriplegia) | Two Times the Principle Sum |
Both Lower Limbs (Paraplegia) | Two Times the Principle Sum |
Upper and Lower Limbs of One Side of Body (Hemiplegia) | Two Times the Principle Sum |
3. Prosthetic Appliance Benefit
Up to $3,000.00.
Pay Benefits for expenses incurred for artificial limbs and/or eyes.
4. Accident Reimbursement Expense Benefit
Up to $25,000.00.
For the cost of prescription drugs, ambulance, hospital services in excess of standard ward accommodation, physiotherapy, chiropractor, private duty nurses (RN), crutches, splints, medical braces, and trusses incurred within 52 weeks of the accident.
5. Rehabilitation Benefit
Up to $5,000.00.
Up to $5,000.00 for special occupational training required due to an accident.
6. Tuition Benefit
Up to $5,000.00.
Up to $5,000.00 for tutorial services made necessary by post-accident confinement.
7. Special Treatment Travel Expense Benefit
Up to $2,500.00.
Injury requires special treatment that cannot be obtained in the municipality of a members residence . The insurer will pay for travel expenses incurred from home.
8. Out of Province Surgical and Medical Accident Benefits
Up to $25,000.00.
Pay the additional expenses such as surgical operations, hospital expenses, x-rays, etc that are excess benefits available under any Canadian, Federal, or Provincial hospital and/or medical plan.
9. Emergency Transportation Benefit
Up to $100.00.
Up to $100.00 for transportation from area or field to nearest hospital or doctor’s office.
10. Eye Glass and Contact Lens Expense
Up to $200.00.
Up to $200.00 for repair or replacement of eyeglasses or contact lenses when damaged from an accident which required the insured person to receive treatment by a physician.
11. Blanket Dental Accident Benefits
Up to $10,000.00.
For dental treatment resulting from injury to whole and sound natural teeth and received within 52 weeks of the accident.
12. Dentures or Bridgework Benefit
Up to $2,500.00.
For damage or to breakage of removable dentures,fixed bridgework, and/or capped (crowned tooth or teeth) occurs as a result of injury.
13. Future Anticipated Dental Expense
Future incurred expenses, but not to exceed the limit in the schedule of benefits.
14. Fracture Benefit
Up to $500.00.
Up to $500.00 paid for fracture of bone or bones (including chip and linear fractures).
15. Babysitting
If a youth member requires and receives treatment for an injury by a physician and is confined to home following an accident, the insurer will pay for a babysitter to tend to the youth member during normal school hours or during the parent’s workday if the parent is unable to do so, subject to an hourly maximum equal to the provincial minimum wage.
16. Part Time Youth Wage Loss
A youth member actively employed by a business for wages on a part time basis who suffers an injury, is under the regular care of a physician, and is unable to perform all the duties of the job, will be covered for 75% of the youth member’s hourly wage during the disability.
17. Family Transportation Benefit
In the event an insured person in confined as an inpatient in a hospital located from a point not less than one hundred and fifty (150) kilometers from the insured’s normal place of residence in accordance with the terms of the policy but not to exceed $10,000.00 for such expenses.
18. Home Alteration and/or Vehicle Modification Benefit
In the event an insured person sustains the loss of both feet or legs or becomes a quadriplegic, paraplegic, or hemiplegic. The Insurer will pay the reasonable and necessary expenses for the cost of alterations of the insured person’s principle residence or the cost of modification to one motor vehicle subject to the terms of the policy and not to exceed $10,000.00 for such expenses.
Optional Additional Benefits:
19. Repatriation Benefit
In the event of accidental loss of life is sustained by an insured person not less than fifty kilometers from the insured person’s normal place of residence and indemnity for such loss becomes payable in accordance with the terms of the policy but not to exceed $10,000.00 for all such expenses.
20. Out of Province/Out of Country Travel Medical
We also include a travel medical policy with a $2,000,000.00 limit for our of province/out of country travel for inter provincial fixtures or out of country fixtures.
21. Hospital & Medical Expense for Visitors to Canada
Pay for reasonable, necessary and customary expenses up to the Sum insured.Eligible expenses are paid for acute emergency$25,000.00Hospital, unexpected emergency medical, or other covered medical$50,000.00Expenses, due to injuries or sickness$100,000.00
22. Catastrophic Accident Coverages
Up To $250,000.00.
23. Group Accident Insurance for Volunteers and Directors
24. Blanket or Compulsory Weekly Accident Benefit
70% of weekly salary to a maximum of $400.00 per week. Elimination period of 30 days with a 26 week benefit period.
25. Volunteer Team and Individual Disability Insurance Program (Loss of Income)
Designed to provide annual insurance coverage against accidents which occur whilst undertaking amateur sports and/or leisure activities. This unique insurance program allows your members to enhance their insurance coverage, including loss of income on an optional basis, thus not increasing the basic association insurance premium.
Limitations and Exclusions
No benefit shall be payable for any loss resulting directly or indirectly, wholly or partially from any of the following causes.
- Purchase, repair, or replacement of eyeglasses, contact lenses or prescription thereof (except otherwise provided).
- Sickness or disease either as a cause or effect.
- Any intentionally self-inflicted injury.
- Any of the hazards of aviation except while riding as a fare paying passenger in a licensed aircraft operating on a regular scheduled service between airports.
- Declared or undeclared war or any act thereof.
- Service in the armed forces of any country.
- Any benefits that are available under any government health insurance plan, whether enrolled in such a plan or not.
- Dental and/or other expense benefits shall be for the excess of expenses payable under any other benefit plan or policy.
- An insured person who is not a resident of any Canadian Province that has enacted medical care legislation unless stated in this policy. This policy is subject to and shall not contravene any federal or provincial statutory requirement with respect to hospital or medical plans, or any other policy providing a reimbursement indemnity.
Optional Property Insurance Program
- Office Equipment
- Electronic Data & Word Processing
- Miscellaneous Property Floater
- Extra Expense Coverage
- Valuable Papers and Records
- Accounts Receivable
- Inside and Outside Robbery (Hold-up)
Sport Accident Claim Procedures
- Claim forms can be obtained from your sport association, insurance agent or Special Risk Insurance Managers. Sports Accident Claims.
- Complete the claim form in detail, including signatures and confirmation eligibility to be insured.
- Dental claims require the attending dentists to complete the application section of the form.
- Claim forms should be completed within 30 days.
- Commercial Property Liability Application
- Arenas, Multiplexes and Winter Clubs Application
- Hockey School Insurance Application
- Dragonboat Associations/Clubs
- Recreational (Non-Contact Only) Hockey Insurance Application
- Miscellaneous Property Supplement
- Red Cross CPR, First Aid and Swimming Instruction Application
- Recreational (Accidental Contact Only) Martial Arts Facilities Insurance Application
- Sport Organization Insurance Application
- Recreational Softball and Baseball Insurance Application